Well, I saw a post on the DC Forum about Melting Pots. I've always wanted one, looked at them many times and been too miserable to part with £40 to buy one, so when i saw they were going for £25 I had my excuse. Heres a few i've made, just need to practice to get good now!!
Well I do miss all my arty things but studying has now taken over my life, studying and bringing up my lovely babies. Rebecca is now 3 and Daniel just turned 1. Fingers crossed in just over a years time I will have ceased studying (well unless I do one more for fun) and resumed creating :)
Thank you Viv for my lovely award, I appreciate it loads :) The rules for receiving this award are 1. The winner can put the logo on her blog. 2. Link the person you received your award from. 3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 4. Put links of those blogs on yours. 5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you've nominated. Nominating other blogs was really difficult I visit so many but I guess a girl has to have her faves, so I choose - Cindy, Sian, Heidi, Joey, Jinny, Viv, Wendy and Nicks. I'd love to add some more but I've chosen the peoples blogs I visit most.
Creativity takes Courage - Henri Matisse
"arte y pico"
Well thanks to the very lovely and ever colourful SmelliHelli I have won an award! Thank you Helen xx Helens mixed and gorgeous work can be found at http://smellihelli.blogspot.com/. Now I have to nominate 5 blogs who I think deserve this award too (REALLY not an easy task). BUT ... my winners then are requested to do the following: 1) You have to pick 5 blogs who deserve this award for their creativity, design, and interesting material and also contributes to the blogging community no matter what language. 2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to the blog to be visited by everyone. 3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and the link to the blog that has given her or him the award. 4) Award winner and the one who has given the prize has to show the link of "arte y pico" blog (linked in my title) so everyone will know the origin of this award. (Cut and paste the info into your blog to make things easier So as difficult as this is my winners are: 1 - http://plantslist.blogspot.com/ (Cindy) my lovely and hugely talented cyber friend. Whose work never fails to amaze me. 2 - http://duckfacealtermyworld.blogspot.com/ (Heidi) a very talented lady who is never short of advice and makes me laugh out loud with her thread chat. 3 - http://jinnysartsandcrafts.blogspot.com/ (Jinny) one of the people who I swapped atc’s with in the early days and I’ve just started chatting to again. Beautiful mixed work another big talent. 4 - http://siansbitsandpieces.blogspot.com/ (Sian) a very lovely lady who’s work I just love love love! Was always willing to swap with me even in the very beginning. She also run’s awesome swaps! 5 - http://nicksartystuff.blogspot.com/ (Nicola) another inspirational lady whose swaps make you think very hard and also makes you fill your rubbish bin with rejects! Beautiful work.
See you've been busy with that melting pot!! I'm not going to get one,....yet... am I?...no..yes...no
Paula-how did you do the butterflies? I have seen others work using MP but there is no way I am going to get one-unless I see one in poundland lmao
These are lovely Paula, must get my melting pot out, to dust it.
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