This is my Round Robin journal page for Heidi. First I just want to say that this looks BAD in the picture, I cant take a photo to save my life! I went ahead and made this as Heidis lovely page has gone AWOL in the post :( I know that Heidi is quite fond of her houses, so I decided to make some with a difference. I know its a bit odd but I like it and hope very much that Heidi does too? Well its made up of mountboard with ice lolly sticks chopped up to make all the bits (its about a half inch think - sorry!). Now I have to tell you all, it is not easy trying to find plain old lolly sticks here, they're all multicoloured, so I had to cover the whole thing three times in gesso before I could start to paint!!It is covered with a mix of acrylic paint and an irridecent mixative, then highlighted with some wax rub ons and the edges are all sealed with alum tape that has been alcohol inked. Oh and the base of the page is ripped card to make it look like a wall, although i think it might look more like water, but thats fine too. Lastly there is some glossy accents in the house windows to look like glass. I'm not sure if it needs something else so I'm going to look at it for a day or two and think about it again then.